Satisfied Cravings: Favorite recipes from cookbooks I've reviewed.

Stir-Fried Kale and Spinach with Hazelnuts

Serves 4

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From The Smith & Hawken Gardeners' Community Cookbook

½ cup hazel nuts

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped into ¼-inch pieces

4 large cloves garlic, minced

10 cups mixed thinly shredded kale and spinach leaves, washed, and drained, but not dried (about 1 bunch each)

salt and pepper

Toast the hazelnuts in an ungreased skillet over medium-high hear, stirring frequently, until the nuts are darkened in spots, 5 to 7 minutes. Cool enough to handle, coarsely chop, and set aside.

Heat the oil in a large sauté pan or wok. Stir in the onion and garlic and sauté over medium heat until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the greens in batches, stirring them down after each addition, until all are in the pan. Stir-fry until tender, 8 to 12 minutes, depending on the age of the greens.

Stir in the hazelnuts and salt and pepper to taste. Toss gently and serve right away.

~ Add a small splash of hazelnut oil when stirring in the hazelnuts at the end.
~Add a dash of orange or lemon juice when stirring in the hazelnuts.
~Garnish with orange or lemon zest.