I always love to read those "man-on-the-street" columns in my local newspaper. It seems that frivolous questions rather than weighty ones inspire far livelier and intriguing responses. In the same spirit, I collar friends, relatives, and total strangers to ask them inconsequential questions on culinary matters.

What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Which is the one you hide under your napkin?

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Roger: The best part is the turkey and mashed potatoes.....the normal Thanksgiving stuff. I can't stand cranberries; the canned kind are the worst. And candied yams. I haven't had those in a long time. My grandmother used to make them; they were way too sweet.

Susan M: It's hard to pick just one favorite. There's this recipe I really like that I make for Thanksgiving. It's a puree of carrots and rice with a little cream. What I really don't like is sweet potato casserole with orange in it. No matter where I've been for Thanksgiving, there's always been this sweet potato casserole on the table.