I always love to read those "man-on-the-street" columns in my local newspaper. It seems that frivolous questions rather than weighty ones inspire far livelier and intriguing responses. In the same spirit, I collar friends, relatives, and total strangers to ask them inconsequential questions on culinary matters.

Q: At what age should you stop trick or treating?
(This was asked to a group of girls between the ages of 14 and 16.)

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Claire:16 or 17. When I see high school kids trick-or-treating I think they're too old. But then I still want to go. Yeah, I'm going this year, but I don't know what I'm going to be.

Liane: I think I stopped when I was 12 or 13.

Kelly: I'm going trick-or-treating this year...and I'm proud of it! My friends and I are going as the Spice Girls. I'm going to be Sporty.

Anya: As long as you wear a costume it's okay to trick-or-treat. But you can't be18 and just put on a ski mask or something.