I always love to read those "man-on-the-street" columns in my local newspaper. It seems that frivolous questions rather than weighty ones inspire far livelier and intriguing responses. In the same spirit, I collar friends, relatives, and total strangers to ask them inconsequential questions on culinary matters.

Q: As a mother or a daughter, what was a Mother's Day meal that stands out in your mind?

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Angela: It was a Mother's Day when all my relatives got together at my cousin Tim's new house. Everyone who wasn't a mother cooked the Mother's Day dinner. I can't remember exactly what the food was. As I recall, there was a lot of meat. It wasn't a very good meal. But it was very touching.

Susan: When Claire (her daughter) was two years old, Mother's Day dinner was street food. We all went to the Dixon May Fair and the Mexican Rodeo. It was not a typical Mother's Day but it was fun.

Liz: I've never been so mad. I was fifteen and I made the whole Mother's Day dinner and my brothers didn't do diddly. It took me all weekend to make it- roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, green beans with almonds, lemon meringue pie. After dinner was over, my brothers left. My dad left. So on top of all the work I already did, I was stuck with the dishes. That was a memorable Mother's Day.